Jaetut tilat
Jaetut tilat or Shared Spaces invites you to a picnic with pollinators, to a hiding place surrounded by flowers, and to a concert played by the residents of an insect hotel. Shared spaces is an installation located at Lassilan tila, Tuusula. The installation is growing and changing through the summers 2021 and 2022. We will open the installation for the audience next time in June 2022.
Visit the webpage:
Above an excerpt of the installations sound design (too be listened with the headphones)
Hexad: Libero Mureddu’s ‘Hexad’ is a Helsinki-based ensemble dedicated to the performance of real-time composed music. Hexad brings together professional improvisers coming from a wide albeit often overlapping range of experiences, from classical contemporary to experimental and jazz music. The performers are given complete freedom in placing themselves at any point between those different approaches, without any limitation to the musical material they wish to contribute with. Therefore, the ensemble creates and explores in real-time the unexpected possibilities emerging from the coexistence of highly diverse materials. This celebration of diversity is reflected in the spontaneous creation of subgroups during a performance: from solos, duos, trios, also simultaneously, to collective playing, any emerging combination is allowed and promoted.
Chamber Music from Mars
Aino Juutilainen – cello / viola da gamba and electronics
Libero Mureddu – piano / synthesizers
Libero Mureddu and Aino Juutilainen improvise together since 2018. Their aesthetic is twofold: on one hand they performs with acoustic instruments exploring ideas related to algorithms and artificial intelligence. Their fascination resides on how nonhuman, machine-generated decisions sometimes seem more surprising and interesting than the ones created by a human mind. On the other hand, the duo uses digital and digitally modified instruments to create peaceful soundscapes that slowly evolve to wild trance-like states. This side of the project is the counterpart of the machine-directed music: here they praise the continuity of the music and the human factor in an otherwise nonhuman and digital sound world.
Hajoaminen (Deconstruction)
“Marketta moved in today. She climbs up and down the daffodils, and drinks sugar water from the bottle cap. I reach my finger towards her. She answers by grabbing my fingertip with her first pair of legs, and then drags her disproportionally large body on it. I feel the tickling of all her six little feet when she crawls along my arm.” Decomposition is a performance about maggots, bumblebees, ticks, earthworms, and different kinds of decomposing processes. Premiere 16th of October 2020.
Working group
Director: Maija Linturi
Sound designer: Aino Juutilainen
Video designer: Olli-Pekka Jauhiainen
Visual designer: Sarune Peciukonyte
Performers: Elina Sarno ja Aino Juutilainen
Production: Kalteva Co. ja Circus Maximus
J Ä L K I Ä Jälkiä meaning “traces” or “tracks” is a series of sound art pieces that observe different districts and environments from the point of traces. Every piece is constructed together with the surrounding, discussing and improvising with it, getting affected by it, each forming an unique entity. Pieces include sound, music and text that have been born in a dialogue with the environment. The piece is experienced personally, with headphones. Jälkiä can be experienced in Vuosaari and Itäkeskus from the 7th of September. During the autumn 2018 and winter 2019 there will be a piece both in Suomenlinna and Kulosaari, and during 2019 more will pop up in West and North Helsinki. Jälkiä is available both in finnish and in english. Jälkiä is a cooperation between musician-composer Aino Juutilainen and performance and visual artist Petra Vehviläinen. FB: Jälkiä Contact: Production: Teatteri Circus Maximus ( Jälkiä has been supported by The City of Helsinki

Leijonadisco is a dance performance for babies and toddlers. The performance is interactive and everyone can join to dancing and singing with the lions! The lions do not speak any specific language and therefor the performance is suitable for everybody no matter which language they speak. The performance was premiered at Annantalo, Helsinki as a part of Small Size Days program in 2019. After that the performance has been touring in different places including Rovaniemi, Porvoo, Espoo ja Vantaa. Production: Satu Tuomisto Co
ÄPÄRÄ! Kyseenalainen komedia perheonnesta Näytelmä rakentaa palapelinomaisen kuvan isättömästä pojasta, joka on totaalisen kykenemätön valmiiseen perhe-elämään ja luo hippasen nyrjähtäneitä perhekuvia ympärilleen eri elämänvaiheissa. ÄPÄRÄ! tarjoaa katsojalleen ajattelun avaimia ja hämmentäviä tunnetiloja. Kantaesitys 25.4.2018 klo 19 Studio Hilkassa, Valtakatu 22 Suomen kiertue syksyllä 2018 Työryhmä: Jarno Malinen, Aino Juutilainen, Tapio Kankaanpää
Vela Esben Overgaard Højlund (DK) – piano Aino Juutilainen (FI) – cello Purity, calm soundscapes and inner expression would describe the music of this Danish-Finnish duo. The roots of this music are both jazz improvisation and contemporary classical music. Both duo members compose music and there is strong focus on finding distinct sounds to create colourfull expression. Vela released their first album Wandering on Eclipse music 10th of february 2017. The danish drummer Anders Vestergaard features on the album.
Here is an article about the album on Jazz Finland
House of Delights House of Delights took place in Kunstverein Neukölln, Berlin in 2016. I had a pleasure of working with a very inspiring group of artist making different performances for ten days. Queer bird concert was one of my many performances. House of Delights is an exhibition, an installation and a performance where an everyday erotic revolution can take place. This is a special place of celebration and coming together. It is an exhibition, an installation and a week-long performance where not only the human bodies of performers and the audience will perform, but also the bodies of different kind of objects, sounds, materials, images and other conditions and atmospheres in the space. In here both the artists and the audience can explore their personal experience in different kind of manifestations of erotic relations.
House of Delights is a place of celebration, a special space of coming together at a given moment. 24.6.-26.6.2016 Part of 48 Stunden Neukölln 29.6.-2.7.2016 More performances, gigs etc. 3.7.-24.7.2016 Installation continues The Group: Niina Lehtonen Braun, Milla Martikainen, Aino Juutilainen and Sami Vehmersuo + guests.

Erotica – esitys eroottisena olentona olemisesta Konsepti ja esiintyminen: Sami Vehmersuo Ääni: Aino Juutilainen Kuvataide: Niina Lehtonen Braun Skenografia: Milla Martikainen ”En minä tiedä, eikä minua kiinnosta, mistä tämä esitys kertoo. Minua kiinnostaa mitä siellä tapahtuu; mitä minussa tapahtuu, mitä paikalla olijoissa tapahtuu.” – sami v Neljä taiteilijaa: kuvataiteilija, skenografi, muusikko ja esiintyjä lähestyvät eroottisena olentona olemisen mysteeriä oman taiteensa lähtökohdista ja täräyttävät sen yhteen. Avant garde, absurdi, post postmoderni, ihan sama. näyteltyä näyttelemistä, donjuanismia, performanssia, äänitaidetta, huutoa, hiljaisuutta, installaatiota, Jungia, Guroa, Whitmania, pintaa ja varjoa syvemmältäkin. Ensiesitys: 15.5.2015

Superhands – music and dance improvisation band Between 2009 and 2011 I was a member of a dance and music improvisation band called Superhands consisting of young musicians and dancers living in Copenhagen, Denmark. We performed actively in different unconventional locations, including the parlament house where we were for some odd reason not allowed to bring any instruments. So we sneaked in all kind of objects that make sound through the x-ray in the security control.

Muistipeili Tallentaa, painaa mieleen, palauttaa, muistella, kertoa, keksiä, valita, varastaa, kontrolloida, käsittää, käsitellä, tavoitella, hapuilla, hakea, kädottaa, unohtaa, antaa periksi, luovuttaa, luopua, hajota, kadota… Yrityksiä päästä sinne, minne puhuttu kieli ei yllä. Yrityksiä kiinnittyä muistoihin. Nukketeatteria. Tanssia. Elävää musiikkia. Lähes elävää kuvaa. Mehua! Konsepti: Aino Juutilainen ja Maija Linturi Ohjaus: Johanna Kultala Koreografia: Leena Harjunpää, Musiikki: Aino Juutilainen Valot & visuaalinen ilme: Milla Martikainen Lavalla: Aino Juutilainen, Maija Linturi, Milla Martikainen Ensi-ilta: 24.4.2011, Vaihtolava (Helsinki)
That Which Remained, Scorched, Did Not Chill / Se mikä jäi, poltti, ei jäätynyt Premiere, place and date: The AB Dance Company, in Turku 22.1.2009 The piece is using dance theatre in a new innovation way by concentrating more to what happens to a performer her or him self during a dance. The dancer and musician are discussing between dance and music, working together or against each others. Topics of the piece are frustration that comes when contradictions of feelings are locked inside and a dilemma of just being with oneself. Dancer has built herself a character who has reality of her own and little by little she starts to have Childs play features. Choreographer: Kimmo Alakunnas Scenographer: Milla Martikainen Light designer: Jere Mönkkönen Clothes designer: Harri Niskanen Composer and musician: Aino Juutilainen Dance: Jouni Majaniemi, Satu Lankinen, Eeva Bang